Three high-impact workshops that help you feel stronger and have more energy, navigate relationships with more clarity, and speak your goals into reality.

“Kathleen is SO much fun and easy to talk to and I look forward to our calls every single week! She is seriously just the best!”

Maureen, High Energy Workshop

What would it feel like to wake up each morning feeling more alive and excited about your life? How would it be if you could meet your challenges straight on without shrinking or feeling the need to defend yourself?

How would your relationships at work and home change if you knew with absolute certainty what your next best move should be?

What would change for you, if you gave yourself three unforgettable afternoons with other professional women dedicated to personal success and happiness at work and home?

I promise you, a whole lot.

“Kathleen, I want you to know that yesterday created a breakthrough for me. Do you have any idea how powerful you are? You were born to do this and I am blessed to know you.”

Sue, Study Group

You, At Work is a 3-part in-person workshop series in downtown Syracuse at The Post Standard Building.

The first week begins with a deep-dive into protecting and expanding your personal energy. The second week explores intuition and decision-making. Week three is all about the words you choose to create an empowered life.

Each workshop stands alone, yet all three build upon one another. Register for one, two, or attend the full series for the ultimate shift!

We’re going to make lots of mistakes. And even when life is going our way, we’ll inevitably face challenges. You, At Work isn’t about being perfect - it’s about owning the progress. Turn challenges into opportunities, stay confident in the midst of confusion, and feel deeply good even when things are particularly tough.

We are all works in progress.

What You’ll Gain:

Protect & Elevate Your Personal Energy | Feel strong and resilient in demanding environments.

Make Intuitive, Confident Decisions | Trust your instincts and minimize self-doubt.

Use Language that Affirms & Attracts | Speak your goals into reality.

Shift from Overwhelmed to Empowered | Navigate work and life with clarity and ease.

If you’ve ever been told to stop taking things personally or you’ve ever felt completely drained at the end of the day…or you hear yourself saying you’re fine when you’re not, or you tend to do everything yourself because it’s just easier that way…then this is for you.

If you dream of bigger things for yourself or feel the call for more meaning…then this is really for you.

The wisdom inside of You, At Work will help your energy, your intuition, and your voice work for you.


Individual workshop fee is $97. Sign up for all three for only $227.*

Workshop 1: Your Energy at Work, April 10

Workshop 2: Your Intuition at Work, April 24

Workshop 3: Your Voice at Work, May 8

Thursdays, 2pm to 4:30pm

Limited to 30 people. Workbook and refreshments are provided. Free and secure parking.

*One-time discount when signing up for all 3 workshops at once. Use the promo Youatwork.