Changing the world one conversation at a time.

“Kathleen helped me step into a leadership role with more confidence in myself than I ever had. She helped me gain confidence in my own voice and ideas. I now go into meetings with my head held high knowing that I am seen, heard, and valued.”

Sherry, Practice Manager

How you do one thing is how you do everything.

I help people transform every area of life with unabashed support and straightforward accountability. As your personal development coach, I’ll provide tools and insights that will serve you at work and home, in your commitment to yourself and the way you show up for others.

Wherever you go there you are. So go big, and be happy.

Big ideas thrive in small ways.

And little fears take over in big ways.

Every team struggles with the unspoken dynamics that few have the courage to confront. It isn’t the lack of performance that creates hardship at work, it’s undeveloped soft skills that betray success. My high-energy team training programs help groups communicate with trust, build a culture that supports growth, and get excited about being at work!

Announcing! YOU, At Work

A brand-new workshop series featuring my signature teachings on personal energy, empowered thinking, intuitive decision-making, and the magic of your own words.

What would it feel like to wake up each morning feeling more alive and excited about your life? How would it be if you could meet your challenges straight on without shrinking or feeling the need to defend yourself? How would your relationships at work and home change if you knew with absolute certainty what your next best move should be?

What would change for you, if you gave yourself three unforgettable afternoons with other professional women dedicated to personal success and happiness at work and home?

I promise you, a whole lot.

Registration is now open. To learn more visit the You, At Work page.

“Yesterday, I took a step back to give thanks for everything that’s happened this year! I can’t imagine going through it without you, Kathleen. Our team is evolving in such a powerful way.”

Dr. Groetken, Practice Owner

Let’s start a conversation!